Friday, September 6, 2002

Experiences by Moira Dowd

I was born on a hill and recall precious moments of having been able to grow on a hill… Valerie’s story gives life to our childhood … too many memories… even if I was 7 (year 1967) years old when I left La Oroya, it all comes back at once and it gives me a wonderful feeling… thank you for sharing it with us all.

I still hold some school newsletters which stayed with me, they talk about Rockie MacGregor and Margaret MacNeillis and Jennifer Isaacs.

We all talk about memories. I hold too many, one of them Mrs. Nuckols ….so peaceful, she gave us a precious place to listen to her story telling and prepared her delicious cookies which we so much enjoyed there up on a hill in our little hiding place “The Castle”. For us it was the top of the world. An adventure.

I also hold a farewell note given to Daddy, Eduardo J. Dowd, when we left La Oroya to Lima. So many surnames, all those families: I’ll transcribe some of it, you might find your family name here:

La Gerencia de Logística
La Oroya 24 de Junio de 1967...
Con todo cariño de sus amigos y compañeros de trabajo con motivo de su traslado a Lima como gerente de Logística...

Allen, Alzamora, Amezaga, Aragón, Aranda, Black, Bolton, Clark, Cowper, Craig, Delgado, Duffy, Eguiluz, Eigl, Flores, Fraser, Freire, Furlan, Gallardy, Garrison, Glennon, Graham, Guggenheimer’s, Halle, Harris, Heredia, Hickey, Hickford, Isaacs, Johnson’s, Kirkner, Kitagawa, Kristensen, Lang, López, Lord, Maccagno, MacGregor, Macpherson, Martin, Mata, Mckenzie, Molina, Molloy, Muir, Nuckols, O’Neill, Owen, Poikonen, Polo, Richards, Roper, Sampson, Savage, Scarth, Schnell, Schwab, Selters, Swan, Taylor, Thomas, Vandy, Veliz, Vidal, Wandke, Wilkins, Young
And the list goes on and on.

I hope to read more on the web page about our yesterday’s, it was a marvellous one.
I must give a special THANK YOU TO SEAN DOWD Sean, you made this happen!!!!


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Pinning down the relevant people-points,
One contact leading to three, to fifteen, seventy ...
Is less the leisurely gathering of a bouquet
Than the grasping at leaves in a gale -
At that whirlwind mosaic of scattered lives -
In an effort to connect them to an original tree
When only the ghost of it remains.
But, seeking anew the comfort of those shadow-branches,
We grace them with the qualities of our metamorphosis.
Achievement and deadwood have added their layers
To the bilingual and carefree children
Who played against the backdrop of the Andes
And knew it later for a privileged kingdom.

Lark Burns Beltran

(Sent by Wilfredo Beltran)

(In Chulec 1953-56)